Tuesday 19 August 2014

New Venture

Well this is a bit of a momentous day........

Last week Jewellery Maker TV aired the last of their shows to feature jewel enamel which as my readers will know is my favourite medium to create with. It isn't their fault....Ranger, who make the melt pot,  have had to cease selling it because of an issue with the manufacturer and as the melt pot is really the essential tool for using jewel enamel this makes it hard to feature on a show because new viewers would be wanting to buy the pot.

Making jewellery this way is a slightly niche craft with many of us feeling our way in our designs and learning new techniques often by accident. So we need to gather together in some way which is why a few months ago I created a Facebook group for fellow crafters to share ideas, tips and inspiration and last week I realised  that we should make sure all our collective knowledge isn't lost.

I started gathering images into subject albums on our Facebook pages and that's when I saw that we needed more than just a few pictures with a brief description we needed proper tutorials with creative diary images.

In this modern age I think the best way to do that is to use a blog - so I have launched a team blog with a small group of admins and we will invite guest authors to share.
I love the fact that the blogging world is mostly public because this means anyone with a passing interest can drop in a have a browse.
There are some extremely talented people on the site so it is very exciting wondering what they will come up with.

I have quickly earned that I need to make sure I photograph everything during the making stage as well as the finished product because that is what people need to see....photo tutorials and diaries.

So for any of  my readers who would like to pop over, here is the link

I will still be writing this blog and postimg more of my adventures in creativity and hopefully there will be more advances in skills as I learn from my fellow bloggers